Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I kept saying that I couldn't wait until the twins could crawl, then walk, then talk. But they are getting so big!

And really, I am not ready for it!

They are now throwing tantrums. Understanding what I am saying to them.

Able to play well with Ben and hold there own.

They love to be outside looking for bugs.

But this morning topped it off!

When we finished saying prayer this morning, I opened my eyes

and they both had there arms folded!!

I started to cry! It was awesome but at the same time,

they are old enouph to know to fold there arms!

I'm hitting myself for wishing for this day.

Now that it is here, I want to reverse time. But that's what happens right?

I was reading the Conference talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard

and he says that the time you have kids living with you is only one-fourth of your life span.

In the early years of your childrens life is only one-tenth of a parent's life!

That hit me! I want more time then that with them little like this!

I decided I wasn't going to blink because before I know it

they are all going to be driving!!