Friday, November 28, 2008

Night? What's Night?

I don't know how often this has been happening
but when I got home from seeing
the Twilight movie it was about four in the morning.
I unlocked the door and walked in,
Ben was standing by the TV watching cartoons.
"Oh, hi Mom!"
Four in the Morning!
Then last night
Ben woke up at one and came into our room
and wanted to watch TV.
I told him that it was night time and time to sleep.
He went back to sleep.
Three in the morning I woke up to the sound
of the TV and went out to find him
laying on the couch with his blanket and Mr.
He had gotten his juice out of the fridge and was just chillin.
"Hi Mom. I'm awake!"
I can see that!
Seriously! How often does he do this?
No wonder he is always so tired during the day!
Any ideas on how to get him to understand?!
Because obviously what I have been doing is not working.
Help me! Please!!!