Thursday, May 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I'm not that interesting but I will do my best!

Fact #1:
I love cheese! I could eat a whole block by it's self if my thighs would allow me! I think that was my problem when I was pregnant with Ben. I ate so much cheese and crackers during those nine months. (and a week!)

Fact #2:
I am a picker. I pick at my face and arms so bad! Not something I am happy about though. I will admit that it starts so many arguments between Jame and I because he HATES it so bad! I am trying so bad to be better! Wish me luck!

Fact #3:
I have to color over my eyebrows to look more full. When I was in seventh grade I plucked my eyebrows so bad that it was just one hair after another to form a line. It was embarrassing! 12 or so years later they are still thin but the fullest they have ever been.

Fact #4:
Most of you probebly know this but hear we go anyways. My feet and hands constantly sweat. I hate it!! It's called Hyperhydrosis (probably spelled different but that is a whole other fact in of it's self!) My poor children! So far we know Ben has it but the twins aren't really showing signs yet! Cross your fingers for them! It's not fun!

Fact #5:
All my joints are dubble-jointed. It's really gross! Especailly when my shoulders pop out!

Fact #6:
I hate the feel of being touched lightly. If some one is sitting next to me and they are just slightly touching me, it makes me cringe. Or sitting on the couch and there feet are just barely touching any part of me, I can't stand it!

Fact #7:
I have the worst road rage! I try so hard to just be calm and not worry about going fast but it never works. I always have to have no one in front of me and able to control my own speed. I can never get were I am going fast enough. I think I am a good driver but I definitely need to control my anger. I AM better when my kids are in the car though.

I am not going to tag 7 people for I do not have that many who have not been tagged yet. But I am going to tag...


Jessie Myrick
