Friday, November 21, 2008

I am retarded!

Because I really liked Twilight. I went into it knowing that it was going to be cheesy and that they were going to have to change it a little, so I think that it helped with the times that I would have gotten frustrated. From the begining I was bugged with the Edward they chose but after last night, he did a great job I think. Now Bella on the other hand...
I think she could have done a better job. Her acting just plain stunk I think.
The thing I got most frustrated with though were all the ohing and awhing and screaming and yelling that the audiance did. They ruind the first kiss for me. But I have to admit that I really liked the kiss. And she was in her underware! Ha Ha, I loved it!
I want to see it again after it has been out and I don't have a room full of stupid little kids!
The fight scene with James...
Loved it! Alice kicks butt!!
All in all, I think I liked it.
Now I say think because it could have been better, but I was still entertained.